Forum Replies Created

Intermittent Fasting HEALS SKIN & GUT

Fasting for 16-24 hours a day does wonders to balancing hormones and blood sugar. Giving your body a break from digestion to “clean up” your insides is key to clear skin. When your body stops digestin...

In forum Diet & holistic health

7 years ago
My Elimination Diet Trial | Log

What fruits do you notice make you break out? I wonder if it's why I am still getting acne too.

In forum Diet & holistic health

7 years ago
The diet & lifestyle to cure acne!

Well those "broscience health blogs" I've been following and in 6 months my cystic acne was 98% gone & I lost weight. I am just trying to help & spread knowledge on what worked for me & wh...

In forum Diet & holistic health

7 years ago
Dairy-free but still have acne - what am I doing wrong?

Eliminate the cereal, I assume it is made of gluten/grains/some sugars? That all leads to inflammation. Eliminate the coffee too, switch to green tea & lemon water. I would drink Kombucha & e...

In forum Diet & holistic health

7 years ago
The diet & lifestyle to cure acne!

Acne is a sign of an imbalance in your body (hormones and/or bacteria). Take this sign of acne as a positive message to rebalance your body & become a healthier and happier person. Don't get frust...

In forum Diet & holistic health

7 years ago