Forum Replies Created

Higher sebum production from squeezing

??Squeezing?? You gotta explain that one a little more clearly. You talking about oily skin?? pimples?? Cause those are two different things as far as my experience goes.

In forum Oily skin

7 years ago
How to Get Rid of Oily Skin Permanently

This is a good list and very good advice. The thing that is tough for pretty much all of us is.... the discipline it takes to always have these things in our routines or in our diet. There are a milli...

In forum Oily skin

7 years ago
Has Anyone Tried This? Sebaryl FL LS 9088 / Topical B6

Final decision on this lotion. I used this again yesterday for Christmas because I knew I wouldn't be able to run to to the bathroom to blot a lot. Also, I used it because I knew I would be trapped ...

In forum Oily skin

7 years ago
Has Anyone Tried This? Sebaryl FL LS 9088 / Topical B6

I'm not using it regularly enough to see about long term effects. For a few reasons. The first reason is that I only use the lotion on days where I know I will be somewhere where I won't be able to ...

In forum Oily skin

8 years ago
Has Anyone Tried This? Sebaryl FL LS 9088 / Topical B6

Update. FYI I bought this product after reading your original post. Today was good. The lotion did really well. I am wrong about it not being chalky though. It's chalky but juuuust barely. It's hardly...

In forum Oily skin

8 years ago
Has Anyone Tried This? Sebaryl FL LS 9088 / Topical B6

I bought this. Spread a thick layer on half of my very oily nose last night to test it. I expected to wake up with a fully radiant sniffer like usual.... but I didn't. The half of my nose where I put...

In forum Oily skin

8 years ago