Forum Replies Created

Sore sides of lips

My sides of my lips are an actual state right now. i'm coming towards my 5th month on Roaccutane (Been now 60mg during this month do 40mg for the rest) and I've had these cracked lips for over a mont...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Little Cyst on my eyelid

Thanks it's just my iPhone 6 Plus camera aha! Yeah hasn't come back at all just have sore eyes all be time, I'm on my 4th month now so not too long left!  

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Little Cyst on my eyelid

I'm on my third month of accutane on 40mg a day as I've had a LOT of side effects, mainly being dry everywhere! Anyway one day I woke up with a weird white tiny lump on my upper waterline of my eye, i...

In forum General acne discussion

7 years ago
Month and half on Accutane

This happened to me as well! I had the first breakout and then another near my period. Also my forehead has cleared up, I'm left with painful spots around my mouth and side of my face. Every spot is a...

In forum Accutane (isotretinoin) logs

7 years ago
Accutane - bad side effects/what to do

100mg wow! I started on 40mg and I'm still on that after 2 months, going up to 60mg next month. Everyone I know starts on a fairly low dosage and works their way up.

In forum Prescription acne medications

7 years ago