Forum Replies Created

RE: What to do for texture on left cheek

@dan Thank you for your input! I contacted the plastic surgeon's office and they said the co2 machine I used to get treatments from can no longer be used. Fractional Co2 laser has worked for me in dec...

In forum Scar treatments

5 months ago
What to do for texture on left cheek

Hello, I've had 5 fractional co2 laser treatments for my cheeks where I have acne scarring and was seeing some improvement. The last treatment I had, they had to change to Coolpeel laser because the m...

In forum Scar treatments

5 months ago
What treatments would work best for these scars?

Hi all, I had Jessner + 30% TCA peel done last week. Previously had 3 treatments of Jessner + 20% TCA spaced 4 weeks apart. I am thinking about continuing with 3 more of&Aci...

In forum Scar treatments

5 years ago

I'm unable to take days off work for TCA Cross since it requires more down time than most treatments. I get days off during Chrstimas/NYs so I'm planning on getting it done again then. RF needling i...

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago

Has anyone had Rejuvapen for their acne scars? I have an appointment for this Friday (not with PRP--too expensive) . Many people have good results with microneedling but some do not. I will be getting...

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago
Had TCA Cross 100% done...question on next steps

Really appreciate the comments. Sirius Lee - I've been moisturizing everyday and when I had scabs, 2-3x per day. My doctor said that I could use topicals after 2 weeks but I am going to stay off them...

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago
Had TCA Cross 100% done...question on next steps

I had TCA Cross 100% done on 12/22/17 and so it's been a little over a month. Scarring has improved, they are more shallow than before but still there. I was hoping for better results but ...

In forum Scar treatments

6 years ago
My Story

Thank you for the encouraging words. I am focused on moving forward and not letting the past get the best of me. Wish everyone here the best in their journey.

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

11 years ago
My Story

This post is more for me than anything. I heard it is always good to let things out. I hope by so, something good will come out of it. I have suffered with acne for about 15 years and it has really t...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

11 years ago