Forum Replies Created

What To Do In 1.5 Months For Back-Acne Scars?!?!

Oh also, would it be good to go to a tanning booth a few times? I live in maine where my back hasn't seen the sun in like 5 months so I think It would be good for it to see the light once again. Im mo...

In forum Scar treatments

11 years ago
What To Do In 1.5 Months For Back-Acne Scars?!?!

Yeah im still in high school and I do play a sport. I was my back vigorously every other day to keep the dead skin cells off. Then I moisturize and apply Mederma too everyday, which I dont even know i...

In forum Scar treatments

11 years ago
What To Do In 1.5 Months For Back-Acne Scars?!?!

Im 18 and have been dealing with this for YEARS now and when i finally get it off my face, the acne comes back even harder on my back and now every F**king day, self confidence gets lower and lower an...

In forum Scar treatments

11 years ago