User's Review Comments

Aztec Secret : Indian Healing Clay
July 7, 2016
This is an absolutely GREAT mask. It is cheap and natural - no additives, fragrance, chemicals, etc. Just like the packaging says, it is powerful and WILL feel your face pulsate. The mask left my face red afterwards but that is normal and it went away after some time. I definitely recommend going on Amazon and reading the 7,000+ reviews (they are mostly positive) for more advice, pictures, how-to's, or if you need more convincing to check out this mask. The mask is definitely messy and a bit of work; I would give it five stars but it is not a quick easy mask and takes time and effort. However, it is an absolute must have mask that will yield results. Some Tips: I recommend using this product with Apple Cider Vinegar (make sure it has 'The Mother'!), you can use water with this product as well but for acne, ACV is best. DO NOT use a metal spoon!!!! Metal will deactivate the properties of the bentonite clay. I use a cheap makeup brush to mix and then apply the mask, but you could use a wooden or plastic spoon or anything that is not metal. DO NOT put the leftover mask down your drain!!!! The mask is soft when activated with a liquid but it will eventually harden and can ultimately clog your drain if you use the mask frequently enough. Personally, I put a large plastic bowl in my sink and wipe off the mask with wet paper towels, I then throw the left over mask and the mask that was on my face into the garbage.
July 7, 2016
I also use this on my chest and my shoulders since I sometimes get pimples there as well. I don't see why you wouldn't be able to use it on your body...I would just avoid some of your most sensitive skin areas (like right underneath the eyes) as the mask is very intense.
Braggs : Apple Cider Vinegar (as a topical)
July 7, 2016
I would stop using coconut oil on your face as it is fairly comedogenic - meaning it clogs your pores - so you are most likely correct in saying that is has caused some of your breakouts. I would look into other oils for your face if you wish to go this route - there are so many natural bloggers that can give you more advice and specific oils/routines. (Personally, I would start by doing random searches on Pinterest, ie. 'facial oils' 'natural acne cure' and then finding blogs that way). If you are going to use ACV as a topical toner, you NEED to dilute it with water. So half ACV and half distilled water twice daily on your face as a toner if you wish to use this product. I would also recommend seeing an esthetician in conjunction to seeing a dermatologist. While insurance covers a dermatologist and not an esthetician, they may be able to help you with more natural cures and home remedies as opposed to a dermatologist who just writes prescription after prescription (been there , done that, I know how frustrating that is!). My last piece of advice is to try not to let your skin hold you back! I am 23 and have been struggling with acne for about 10 years now. While I have never cystic acne like some, I do know how insecure your skin can make you. So while you are trying all these different things to clear your skin, try to make peace with what you have and love yourself BECAUSE of your imperfections! Good luck 🙂