User's Review Comments

Finacea : Azelaic Acid (15%) Gel
February 10, 2017
I have never had acne all my life and I am in my 50's, until now, I have Hormonal or Adult acne. I started to break out a couple of months ago and nothing that I bought cured it, so I went to a Derm, he gave me Spiro and a cream which didn't work. I then went to another Derm and she prescribed me Finacea 15% Foam. I had heard lots of people say that this burns when you apply it, but mine didn't. This is a miracle foam, I saw results in 3 days, my acne had subsided and my acne scars were clearing up so fast. Finacea Foam will dry your skin out a lot so you have to use a good moisturizer, so I use Cetaphil or CeraVa which are both very good. Finacea is a very expensive drug it runs about $225 per tube but if you have very good insurance you can afford it, with mine I had a co-pay of $20, so I'll be using this forever, try it please.
February 10, 2017
You are so right, a lot of people say that it stings and burns when they apply it to their face, when I apply I don't get anything. After 3 days my skin was almost perfect, the scars have disappeared and I haven't have any new acne, but I take mime in combination with Spiro (the pill) and I only pay $20 for it, my Health Insurance is great, I think people should not listen to everyone and try it first!
January 18, 2017
Thanks Katm for adding that, but did you have any side-effects from the pill and how much were you on?, Thanks!
January 18, 2017
Thanks Katm for adding that, but did you have any side-effects from the pill and how much were you on?, Thanks!
January 18, 2017
Thanks Katm for adding that, but did you have any side-effects from the pill and how much were you on?, Thanks!
January 12, 2017
Hi, I'm new on this site and actually very new on Spiro. I have never been through the acne thing in my whole life, I would get maybe 1 or 2 pimples a year, had very pretty skin. I just turned 50 and I noticed that I started breaking out on my jawlines and chin pretty bad, never had this ever before. I have tried everything from Clearasil to home-made products, nothing has helped me at all, I tried mostly everything. Finally my daughter told me to go and see a skin doctor, which wasn't cheap at all, my co-pay is $40. When I saw the dr, he asked me a couple of questions, looked at my skin and said that I have Hormonal and Cystic acne, he gave me a prescription of Spironolactone, 25 mg. twice a day and a prescription for some facial cream which cost about $100 a tube. I filled the Spiro but couldn't get the cream because I didn't have enough money for that. I started taking the Spiro 2 days ago which is too early to tell any results yet. Could anyone tell me more about this Spiro, the side effects and how long would it take to work, please tell me everything I would appreciate this so much, I have heard a lot of negative things about this drug and I'm pretty scared about taking it, but I desperately want my clear skin back, please help. (dede)