User's Review Comments

December 5, 2017
Genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors are unavoidable and they are like the trifecta for triggering inflammation based cystic acne. So any long term sustainable "cure" is going to be something that you ingest. I'm sure there are topical uses that are somewhat effective, but the only point in treating cystic spots is to prevent them, because they leave long term scarring and damage and that spot is forever prone to inflammation even after the cyst is gone. Turmeric is only fat soluble. So if you're drinking or eating it without fat, you're not absorbing it. The easiest way to do this is with a tumeric and nut milk latte every morning. Make sure its not bulked up with filler soy milk or loads of water, it should be a thick and pulpy type of nut milk. Also - the turmeric should be fresh. Yes, peeling and grating the bulbs dyes your hands for about a day, but just grate a handful and put it in tupperware and it should last a month. Use a teaspoon to make a latte. The dry powder is usually old and processed and the cumminoid levels and quality will be so low its pointless. Also, in the short term to treat cystic bumps, I cannot stress this enough: water, water, water, ibuprofen (take and spot treat with a paste), water, repeat. Also, I noticed that very very very gentle massaging on the hardened area helps reduces the scar tissue and helps the pus drain and blood flow to help your skin repair. Feels counter intuitive but that hardening and swelling is not good past a certain point, its blowing up a crater in your dermis basically. Also, coffee and caffeine, yes including green tea and coke zero and even cocoa, is not your friend. Its super inflammatory. If you have to drink it because you need it, take ibuprofen and drink a looot of water before and after. I had cystic spots and acne for about ten years and the consistent use of turmeric latte saw them disappear. I still have problems with hormonal fluctuations and surface problems with my skin but cysts have been gone for good. Obviously there are a few other things you can do to help the whole process (exercise - the sweating kind, no drugs or cigarettes, organic plant heavy diet etc) but those are normal things everyone should be doing for base line health but the cysts are a not a normal thing so needs special targetting - the lattes. Give it a month. You'll see a difference.
December 5, 2017
Also an amazing immediate fix is rubbing an aloe leaf on your face. Just slice off the leaf and leave plenty of the "slime" on there. Let it completely dry. Redness will be gone.
December 5, 2017
Also an amazing immediate fix is rubbing an aloe leaf on your face. Just slice off the leaf and leave plenty of the "slime" on there. Let it completely dry. Redness will be gone.