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Had my first ever electrocautery today. Didn't hurt too bad, and they are scabbing up...she didn't get all of them, she said the ones that are too small are hard to treat without damaging the skin. Ki...

In forum Adult acne

11 years ago

Sorry for the weird angle, best way to see them. Just hating the bumpy texture that they are creating. I'd say about 5 more small ones have appeared in the last few months.

In forum Adult acne

11 years ago
Rash-Like Sebum Plugs On Cheek

I had a similar problem and found out after a while that it was sebaceous hyperplasia. You might have milia, sounds more like it.

In forum Adult acne

11 years ago

Still been dealing with this for a few years now (had to reregister since I couldn't remember my old details). They have gotten worse in the last few months. Found a derm who will use electro cautery,...

In forum Adult acne

11 years ago