Forum Replies Created


6 hours ago, Will_from_Barcelona said: As with everything in life, you'll hear many different opinions on a single subject, and Accutane draws from all ends of the spectrum. There's the common ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

5 years ago

well im abit 50/50, ive seen a lot of bad things, but i've seen a lot of good things too. and in the doctors defense, this has been an ongoing issue that ive been seeing and trying out things Â&...

In forum Prescription acne medications

5 years ago

(uk) got a referral to see a dermatologist for accutane, had the blood tests done for it. i suffer from moderate acne and i go through bouts of it, after it getting worse and worse for a year (on and ...

In forum Prescription acne medications

5 years ago