Forum Replies Created

Darkening Of The Skin

On 2/8/2014 at 11:29 AM, taegal77 said: I'm having the same problem. around my chin and on the sides of my face are darker and kind of patchy but new skin has surfaced and is making it s...

In forum The Regimen

5 years ago
Make up remover

I asked dan about removing make up because i dont know too.but here is the link he sent me that would help me.

In forum Cosmetics & grooming

5 years ago
Red, itchy, bumpy rash on face

What are the activities you do before the rash comes?it is one of the factors why there is rash on your face

In forum General acne discussion

5 years ago
Allergic Reactions - What to do?

You have to have dedication for this regimen to work.if it is not that red maybe yourface is getting or adjusting to it.but if it hurts i guess you ahve to stop

In forum The Regimen

5 years ago
3 weeks on regimen but doesn't seem to work.what did i missed?

3 weeks only and then you gave really need dedication in this is said that it will work but not was also said that the first month it is the worst because all of the pimples ...

In forum The Regimen

5 years ago

Uhmmmm what is sa??

In forum Cosmetics & grooming

5 years ago
Using benzoyl peroxide 2x in 1st day?

It is my first time using the regimen. I know i have to use the benzoyl 1x on first week.but do i use it in the mornjng or nights only.i hope someone answers asap

In forum The Regimen

5 years ago