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I went a while on a low calorie diet and i had no acne.

Absolutely. My Acne is from high stress, and diet alone. It may have even always been that way, but i only understand it in recent years. I'll continue to mess around. I'm working on eliminating dairy...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
I went a while on a low calorie diet and i had no acne.

Yes i understand. Seems like there isn't much i can take home from the experience though, when viewed like this.

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
I went a while on a low calorie diet and i had no acne.

9 hours ago, BaxterMcDoobinson said: It's hard to explain, but it makes perfect sense. i'm guessing it has a lot to do with insulin and androgen activity? The hormonal changes from ...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
I went a while on a low calorie diet and i had no acne.

It was mostly oat powders and protein powders. I'm unsure if fat is anything to do with it, but i cannot go on a low fat diet as despite what people believe it is the most important macro you can get....

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
I went a while on a low calorie diet and i had no acne.

I've had a bout of depression which sucked away my appetite for a good 2 weeks. In this time i was living off of protein powder and oat powders as it was all i could make myself eat. In this time, ...

In forum General acne discussion

8 years ago
Reasons why I get red marks from every zit? Also, popping it early may prevent this?

I am naturally very pale, but when I am tanned, It is really difficult to notice them. But in my country we dont have a long summer. Not much I can do about it then. was looking at AHA and emu oil,...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
Reasons why I get red marks from every zit? Also, popping it early may prevent this?

I've had acne since i was 14, am now 21. these days i don't get much zits unless i am very stressed or eating like crap. however when I do get a spot, no matter what happens it always leaves a red ...

In forum General acne discussion

9 years ago
After 20 Years Of Searching, My Acne Is Totally Cured. Important Read.

signed up to say that this seems to have improved my mild situation. At first the water kefir seemed to flare it up a little worse. This may have been a detox effect. supposedly the die-off releases ...

In forum Personal logs

11 years ago