User's Review Comments : Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide - 2.5%)
June 16, 2017
Update: Acne is still somewhat the same. Added another moisturizer to my regimen (Cetaphil Facial Moisturizer with SPF15) but I mixed both that, and the moisturizer and finally I can notice the dry skin coming off. My face is now adjusting, and now hoping for more results soon..
June 12, 2017
I started using this regimen about 2 weeks ago, and already my face looks horrible than what it did before I started. My acne hasn't worsened but my face is super dry, flaking, and 2 shades darker than before (around the eyes, nose, and mouth area). I'm trying not to give up on this regimen quite yet because I've been battling with acne, and mild hyper-pigmentation for years now, and after 101 products I've used I thought this would be the answer to my problem! How can I fix this before I completely stop using it?