Forum Replies Created

Acne After Stopping The Pill

I feel your pain because I've been there. 3.5 months after I stopped OTC Lo I developed acne for the first time. I was on it for about 4 years. The acne was on my cheeks and jawline, SO awful, mostly ...

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Acne On Cheeks Is Hormonal?

When I started having hormonal outbreaks after stopping birth control, acne started on my jawline then moved to my lower and then upper cheeks. A blood test revealed I had slightly high testosterone a...

In forum Hormonal acne

10 years ago
Oil Cleansing Method - Ruined My Skin And Now I Can't Fix It No Matter What I Do! Please Help!

OCM truly is the best method for cleansing and makeup removal as it actually dissolves oils from throughout the day, and unclogs the pores of makeup, dirt, etc. It also nourishes the skin in a way tha...

In forum Other acne treatments

10 years ago