User's Review Comments

Isotretinoin (Accutane®)
April 29, 2018
I haven't been on Claravis long but I'm on 40mg. I'm 27 and I have had mild-moderate acne on only my face for my entire adult life, it's very much hormonal and my face/hair has always been oily. Multiple doctors tried to sell me on accutane and I refused for years, I finally gave up. I have tried everything you can think of, I'm currently on spironolactone, hormonal birth control pills, and use aczone. . . I was using all 3 prior to accutane and my skin looks the best it has in years. I also moved from Florida to the PNW and this helped my skin because I spend less time in the sun, sweaty and hot. I mostly am just tired of having elaborate facial routines and ruining my clothes/towels/sheets with acne products/bleaching. My doctor reduced my dose of spironolactone while on accutane. I gave up drinking altogether but I have never been much of a drinker, I also have a medical background and value my liver too much to mix medications and alcohol. I did a TON of research prior to starting accutane and ordered: chapstick, lotion, aquaphor, eye drops, hydrating shampoo, thicker moisturizer, new sunscreen. . . and came prepared for battle with dry skin. I also take my accutane with fish oil pills and some version of fatty food. I have always drank lots of water, exercise every day, eat pretty good and wear sunscreen every day (I'm incredibly fair skinned). 5 days in and thus far, my only side effect has been dry lips (I managed them with aquaphor and chapstick with sunscreen),and a pressure headache which improved with Tylenol. Here is to hoping this jazz works, I hate messing with my hormones, I just want my face to not have new spots, old spots, and scars. . . all those chemical peels and microneedling only work for removing scars if you can prevent new break outs.
April 29, 2018
Did you take it with fatty foods? or drink alcohol while taking it? Were you on other medications? Did you drink enough water while on it? Do you have a family history of liver or kidney problems?
April 29, 2018
From what I have read, cold medicines and alcohol are metabolized in your liver and so is Accutane. So you're just making it work harder. Many people have also said they get drunk faster and on less alcohol while on Accutane. I honestly would say it's ill-advised to drink while on Accutane but you do you. I personally decided not to drink while on Accutane. I also figure most drugs have some metabolic process in the kidneys too and I want my liver to work with my kidneys as much as possible. My liver and I have this loving relationship because I want it to stick around and it has more documented medical functions than the human brain.
April 29, 2018
Was it a planned pregnancy? I was amazed when I was reading up on Accutane how many women get pregnant after finishing Accutane and have to go back on it after their baby is born. . . the hormonal changes make them break out. So maybe you dodged a bullet!