User's Review Comments

Dr. Sheffield's : Clear Zit Acne Treatment Cream
May 12, 2018

Bafem01 Honestly this product really worked for me. This is how it works on my skin, I will apply it for 3-4 days then I would stop. During this period my pimples dry out, then I would start applying moisturizing cream. Honestly, for another period of lets say 3-4 months my face really feels smooth no breakouts during this period because the product actually kills the bacterias causing pimples. Then after some period I might start experiencing breakouts again, and once I notice that again all I need to do is repeat the cycle again and my skin feels good again. But the major challenge I have with the product is that its no longer available in most stores here in Nigeria. And if you know how I can get it kindly mail me (removed). Thanks

May 12, 2018

Honestly this product really worked for me. This is how it works on my skin, I will apply it for 3-4 days then I would stop. During this period my pimples dry out, then I would start applying moisturizing cream. Honestly, for another period of lets say 3-4 months my face really feels smooth no breakouts during this period because the product actually kills the bacterias causing pimples. Then after some period I might start experiencing breakouts again, and once I notice that again all I need to do is repeat the cycle again and my skin feels good again. But the major challenge I have with the product is that its no longer available in most stores here in Nigeria. And if you know how I can get it kindly mail me (removed). Thanks