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Critique My Palerobitic Lifestyle

UPDATE: I stopped taking probiotics. After a few tests I have deduced that they were causing me to break out. I think it's because of my "leaky gut" I will try to add back in probiotics in a few we...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Critique My Palerobitic Lifestyle

Something was wrong with either my pre-coked chicken or frozen vegetables because they other day I was having horrible gas (felt bad for people around me) and my face just exploded. I've been looking ...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Critique My Palerobitic Lifestyle

ok I'm started to get worried now. My pimples are looking pretty red some bigger than they were yesterday! I just want this to work : (

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Critique My Palerobitic Lifestyle

Update for anyone who's curious. It's been about 4 days since I started taking candex. I think it has imploves my face slightly. I have had small pimples coming up, but they are pretty small and not m...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Critique My Palerobitic Lifestyle

Thanks for the heads up. I just bought essence labs candex from a vitamin shop. I just ate so Ill take it in an hour or two. Green Gables, Ive been hardcore on the probiotics and probiotic foods for...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago
Critique My Palerobitic Lifestyle

salad - iceberg, carrots, cabbage. huge bag from costco chicken. cooked in olive oil. also precooked chicken from costco that just says "chicken. chicken stock. salt" frozen turkey burgers frozen v...

In forum Diet & holistic health

12 years ago