Forum Replies Created

I'm falling apart

Thank you for your kind words. I don't think I have any other health issues besides anemia/fatigue, but I will definitely look into the cream you mention. I'm going to make it my birthday wish for thi...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

4 years ago
I'm falling apart

Tomorrow is my birthday. I will be twenty-three years old, and I suffer from body and face acne that make my life miserable. It will sound horrible, but at this point doing remote work is a blessing i...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

4 years ago
Does hair shedding caused by Spiro stop? Please help

Hi guys, about 6months into Spiro it finally started working and my acne cleared, but my hair started shedding like CRAZY and I'm losing my hair (it comes out with the bulb). Has anyone experienced th...

In forum Prescription acne medications

6 years ago
24 hour breakout from sugars??

Hi! Just a thought that popped into my head: if they are tiny pimples located on your forehead, have you thought about folliculitis? It is usually treatable by applying Nizoral/Head and Shoulders sham...

In forum Diet & holistic health

6 years ago
Difference between Estroblock/DHT Block and Spironolactone?

Hello everyone.  I was wondering what was the difference between the effects of Spiro and Estroblock (and/or other similar "holistic" alternative, DHT Block etc.), and I decided to ask her...

In forum Diet & holistic health

6 years ago
Spironolactone log

Month 3, day 24: not the miracle drug I hoped for, but sort of controls the severity of my breakouts until I can get on Accutane round 2. Thinking of going back on it after Accutane round in order to ...

In forum Personal logs

6 years ago
Spironolactone log

Month 1, day 1: just had my very first painful cyst on cheek since starting, very inflamed. No significant improvement in terms of oiliness. I might go with the Accutane round 2 route.

In forum Personal logs

6 years ago
Spironolactone log

Day 23: breaking out around mouth + chin, whiteheads. Back has texture. Skin still oily AF. Sigh.

In forum Personal logs

6 years ago
Spironolactone log

Day 17: I feel like my skin is improving... Got new pimple on my left cheek but it's healing kinda, and pimple on chest is healing quicker also. I think I have nasty side-effects though: very unpleasa...

In forum Personal logs

6 years ago
Spironolactone log

Day 11: no major face breakouts, but persistent few cysts on my back + comedones. Slightly less oily in T-zone. ... Eh, spiro.

In forum Personal logs

6 years ago
Spironolactone log

Day 7, don't feel like it's working much -- but slightly less oily (unless that too, is wishful thinking). New spots on chest.

In forum Personal logs

6 years ago
Spironolactone log

It is day 4 and I've lost about weight! I'm at 110lbs now which is a low weight I usually don't get - but I'm thinking it might be water weight? I do pee a FREAKING LOT and need to drink 100% more tha...

In forum Personal logs

6 years ago
Spironolactone log

This is only day 2 and unrelated to my skin per se, but omg I shaved and my hair regrowth is so SLOW?! I think this may be related to Spiro, as it is an anti-androgen. Surprised to see that happen jus...

In forum Personal logs

6 years ago
Spironolactone log

Hi guys! I just got my prescription of Spiro 50mg/day for three months to see if it's effective for my skin. I decided to have a log on to update you on the results (if any!) Background: stub...

In forum Personal logs

6 years ago