Forum Replies Created

Like a chemical peel everyday on the regimen

Oh ok thanks Ill try it out really appreciate it

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
Like a chemical peel everyday on the regimen

8 hours ago, 98ba said: I personally found the moisturizer too weak. It was simply not moisturizing enough. I switched to Cerave moisturizing lotion and have never looked back. It's...

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
Like a chemical peel everyday on the regimen

I'm on a love hate relationship with the regimen. Ive honestly been on the regimen for almost 3 months now with no improvement on the flakyness. I love it cause it seems like I haven't gotten...

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
When it takes over your life...

On 11/16/2016 at 10:26 AM, Ae1976 said: Of course it does matter that you care how you look. That is why we are all here, because we care how we look. But you should love yourself with or witho...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

8 years ago
Irritation caused by Benzyl Peroxide

HI there! Im probably late but I hope somehow this reaches you anyways. I hope you haven't given up. when I first started this regimen my skin was inflamed big time. I had red itchy noticeable welts o...

In forum products

8 years ago
When it takes over your life...

4 hours ago, Miguellp said: I know.We are in the same situation.I could say things like inside beauty but I feel the pain you feel.everyone like beauty and our face is the part more visible of ...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

8 years ago
When it takes over your life...

Hi everybody, I am one of those people who don't really post much I just observe. However I come here often because its the only place I can feel better where people actually relate to my issues. Pe...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

8 years ago
Dermastamping with

Hey guys I've been using the regimen for a couple of months now religiously. I still suffer from extremely flaky skin but my biggest problem are my scars. I want to start dermastamping and I know it...

In forum Scar treatments

8 years ago
Make Up, Exfoliating and The Regimen

On 8/19/2016 at 0:31 PM, heykerry said: So my acne is pretty bad and I simply cannot consider going lighter on the makeup per Dan's suggestion because sheer make up will not cover anything--- I...

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
Should I stop?

So I'm back on the regimen...after a week of plain old Vaseline my skin isn't getting red itchy bumps anymore and I started the regimen again 4 days ago I believe. I'm feeling ok my skin is becoming ...

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
Red tiny bumps and itchy face

Hi no I don't have photos but that is exactly what happened to me...the texture of my skin is so leathery and even after 2 weeks of just Vaseline my face is itchy. But my break out has gotten worse so...

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
Should I stop?

Thanks a whole lot for the next few days ill just be using vaseline and a hydrocortisone cream for the rashes

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
Should I stop?

It's week 3 and my skin is severely red and has a leathery look to got more itchy as the day progressed. I believe it might be because I added an exfoliant from paulas choice. (I used the clea...

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
awful regimen breakout - week 2

Hey there I want u to know I'm going thru the same thing I never had bad acne just mild but after week two I broke out in these tiny tiny red bumps and my face was and still is a bit itchy. Most of my...

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
Red tiny bumps and itchy face

What happened was the 1st week it was clearing up but then the second week I got red tiny bumps all over and my face was itchy I thought I had an allergic reaction but I realized that the bumps were p...

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
Red tiny bumps and itchy face

I started using the regimen a week ago and at first my skin was doing well into the second week for some reason my skin broke out in very very tiny red bumps and my whole face is itchy even in place w...

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago