User's Review Comments

Nature's Way : Vitamin A
November 14, 2018
Currently Im taking 60,000 IU per day (now brand, thinking to switch to vital) and my skin is purging.. I'm happy with the purging as it means that its working yaay! Im a lab tech so I can do my lipid profile and lft monthly to make sure that everything is fine
November 14, 2018
That was a very low dose to show any effect on your skin.. up it at least to 10,000 IU per day (still you are in the safe side). I know girls who got good results combining 10,000 IU vit a With zinc for better absorption, for months and had fantastic results.. try vital nutrient (fish liver oil) or the now brand (retinyl palmitate + fish liver oil).. most people get good results taking 50,000 to 100,000 IU for 3 months.. I know megadosing!.. that's a personal thing, you have to do your own research before taking this step
September 24, 2016
Ya allah, I'm really happy for you❤
April 12, 2016
I faced the same thing as well, actually what happened is that we kept it for too long and it burned our skin.. I'm thinking to use it for an hour only on the pimple and see what is gonna happen.
April 12, 2016
I faced the same thing as well, actually what happened is that we kept it for too long and it burned our skin.. I'm thinking to use it for an hour only on the pimple and see what is gonna happen.
April 12, 2016
I faced the same thing as well, actually what happened is that we kept it for too long and it burned our skin.. I'm thinking to use it for an hour only on the pimple and see what is gonna happen.
Gluten Free Diet
February 27, 2016
( I really hope some 15 year old read this and save themselves a half of a lifetime of low self-esteem, scaring, expensive treatments, and general misery)... I WANTED TO CRY WHEN I READ THIS.. SO TRUE
Clarisonic : Cleansing Brush
April 15, 2016
Jodiz u can get it From the make-up artists choice site..
Plain Yogurt
June 28, 2017
@larregin7 from the frist day u will see the brighting effect. After 1 month people will start asking you what r u using on your face 😊
Madina : African Black Soap
February 10, 2017
U r right! The Same happened to me as well.
December 5, 2017
And yeah while using it don't use any other harsh product.. even the soap or the cleanser, use a gentle one
December 5, 2017
U got darker as u got inflammed because of it's strength or u might applied more than what it was recommend (pea size for the whole face!) .. the darkness is a sign of a healing process after the inflammation .. try using it once a week and see how it goes at first, if u can handle it move to twice a week max as u r having sensetive skin type.. when u use it once a week at the beginning don't apply it for the second time unless u have stopped peeling from the previous application and you are not having any sign of irritation.. i learned doing this in a hard way