User's Review Comments

Tetralysal : Lymecycline Oral Antibiotic
November 3, 2016
I've been taking this about four weeks and my breakouts stopped, but the red marks are not fading, which is my biggest problem. I hope the antibiotics do treat the inflamed marks, but there's still plenty of time to see if they are good at eliminating them. But as far as the acne is concerned, I strongly recommend Lymecycline as it's great at removing spots.
October 26, 2016
Did it clear inflammation too?
October 14, 2016
I think you could be right about the healthy lifestyle, though not sure about the effectiveness of Lymecycline as I've only been using it about a week. But what you say does make s lot of sense: people do tend to rely just on the 'antibiotic' with no concern towards anything else that could potentially improve their skin and also have general benefits for the body e.g. , diet, exercise etc.
May 24, 2017
KarolSmith, it is said that your acne could get worse before it improves, and it's estimated that visible improvements may not even be noticed til three to six months.
May 18, 2017
Early days yet. I went to my GP a week ago about my acne rosacea and he gave me a referral to a dermatologist, as well as something (Doxycycline) to treat my skin til I go to the derm. I've only been on it a week but I haven't experienced any side effects and I always take it with food, never on an empty stomach since you can develop stomach ulcers. Anyway, I'll keep you guys updated about my success and wish the best for me.