User's Review Comments

Vinegar (as a topical)
June 5, 2017
rickywood 1976 are you asking about will the acv help for acne? Yes, it should help those areas just like it does for face. Be sure to dilute it 2:1 and not wear it in the sun because the vit C in it will damage your skin.
June 5, 2017
I don't think the vinegar can give you cancer.
August 1, 2016
I use this as an after face wash rinse when I'm in the shower. I dilute about 1/4 of a cup of Apple cider vinegar in about 2 cups of water. Then I add like 15-25 drops lavender essential oil into the mix. I wash my face, then spray the mixture onto my hand and then apply it to my face. I leave it on my face about 5 seconds (eyes and mouth closed obviously lol) and then wash it off. Works great, controls oils, clears my complexion. ACV has vitamin C in it so don't wear this sh*t outside, it will cause sun damage. Use only at night before bed and wash it off in the morning.
Hibiclens : Antimicrobial and Antiseptic Skin Cleanser
June 5, 2017
Is proactive running for congress?