Forum Replies Created

Hemp Oil For Redness

I actually bought cold pressed hemp seed oil awhile ago, took it a few times, and forgot about it. I recently remembered or and have started taking it again. I know it is not comedogenic, but I am ter...

In forum Scar treatments

9 years ago
What Kind Of Products Are Best?

I have since over over exfoliated, and now my skin is super dry and super pissed at me. I also have a new pimple on my chin. This is definitely hormonal acne, as it is soon time for my menstrual cycle...

In forum Other acne treatments

9 years ago
What Kind Of Products Are Best?

I am one of those people that has tried EVERYTHING. I have no idea how to control my moderate acne. I have very fair skin, so my scars make my skin look even worse. And I am a picker. I can't help it....

In forum Other acne treatments

9 years ago