User's Review Comments

Isotrexin : Erythromycin (2%) and Tretinoin (.05%) Gel
October 23, 2016
Been using this gel for nearly 3 month, due to a manafacturing problem with duac gel i had now been perscribed this gel , didnt have many spots before hand and orginally only got bad spots on my chin area, after using this gel my skin became extremely red and especially my chin and although the spots i have arnt painful as they once were they are now all over my face ! I have had to stop with this gel completely due to my chin being extremely red, dry to the point its so tight it hurt when i move my mouth in a large way, stopped thus gel for around 5 days and bought some E45 which seems to be slowly taking the stubbord dryness away. After reading many good reviews i was still skeptical to start it but i did start it and cannot say how much i regret this, anyone waring of starting this gel i reccomnded you not to as my experience as a 15 year old girl who once only got larger spots at that time of the month now has them all over her face, and a very painful, dry skin complexion All in all i would not reccomend starting this gel i once had spots only on my chin and rarely anywere else and now my chin and cheeks are very inflammed, hopefully i can now try to recover my skin
October 23, 2016
Fms, begin using moisturizer my face become so dry it was painful to move and extremely tight