User's Review Comments : Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide - 2.5%)
November 13, 2019

So I've been very careful with it after using too much of it in the beginning, so I reduced again and started very slow.

Week 1: Pea size amount at night only.

Week 2: Pea size amount in the morning and at night.

Week 3: Pea size in the morning, double the pea size at night.

Week 4: Repeat week 3.

Week 5: Two pea sizes in the morning, 2 at night.

Keep increasing from there - but listen to what your skin is telling you. If you start to get irritated one week, don't increase until your skin is used to it.

I would say it's taken about 3 - 4 months. My cheeks and forehead are super smooth but my temples didn't get the initial purge memo so they are doing that now. Some areas of your face might need time for the benzoyl peroxide to really draw out what it under the skin. It is helping that I use an ice cube to ice my face right before applying the benzoyl peroxide because I saw it helps to penetrate products deeper and gives a little exfoliation.

Be patient with it! You got this! Let me know how it goes!

September 26, 2019

The Benzoyl Peroxide 2.5 % has saved my skin!! I was using from November 2017 until January 2019. Why did I stop you may ask?...My skin was clear and flourishing but Instagram and popular skincare caught my eye. I switched to another skincare routine and it seemed to be going well (BIG MISTAKE!!!) until my acne started to creep back in on my jaw line, then on my cheeks. I used this different routine for 3 months and now I regret every moment of went back to because I KNOW it works! The purge from using the Benzoyl Peroxide made my skin purge...It was horrific! However, I knew it was just doing it's job to unclog my pores from the previous skincare I was "trying out". 2 months later and my face is smooth again, I still have scars from my skin purging but the Benzoyl Peroxide is definitely getting me back to normal! Note to self and others out there...don't even change what is working in your favor!!

And yes, even though you may have been on the regimen before...starting over after a period of time means that you have to let your skin get used to it again....I know from experience. The purge was probably worse for me because I tried using too much when I went back on it in July. It takes time...start slow and YOU WILL see results.