Forum Replies Created Products While On Accutane

Is it OK to use cleanser and moisturizer while on accutane?

In forum products

10 years ago
Baby Wash As Cleanser?

Is it ok to use baby wash as cleanser? I have checked all the ingredients and none of them are comedogenic or irritant. I'm on a very tight budget and I live in a country where they don't sell cetaphi...

In forum The Regimen

11 years ago
Baby Wash As Cleanser?

Is it ok to use a baby soap free wash as a cleanser??? If I check all the ingredients and they are safe? I can't find anything good where I live

In forum Store brand Regimen supplies

11 years ago
Comedones Question!

i've been on the regimen for 4 full weeks now and it's going good! i have light-moderate acne however, i still have all of the non-inflammatory acne- blackheads and whiteheads. will they go away with ...

In forum The Regimen

11 years ago
Is The Regimen Good For Mild Acne?

i dont really understand if the regimen also takes care of mild-moderate acne, i have lots of bad whiteheads all over my face, however, they are non-inflamatory. thoes the BP work on them?

In forum The Regimen

11 years ago
Does Regimen Cure Blackheads And Whiteheads?

i dont really understand if the regimen also takes care of mild-moderate acne, i have lots of bad whiteheads all over my face, houwever, they are non-inflamatory. thoes the BP work on them?

In forum The Regimen

11 years ago