User's Review Comments

Adapalene / Benzoyl Peroxide (Epiduo®)
June 3, 2019

Hello to anyone who read on my journey.

Since my last post on May 4 2016 i was on Epiduo once a night till September 2018. On September 2018 i decided to stop using it as i no longer thought i needed it. I was WRONG!! As soon as i stopped my entire face purged again! It’s like i was starting again from square one. I immediately booked an appointment with my original dermatologist. He was on holiday so i only got the chance to see him April 16th 2019. He prescribed me doryx 50 mg and Epiduo. I honestly feel depressed!!!!!!!! I am not willing to go through 8 months of purging on and off. I read my review honestly 8 months to get clear face AGAIN? How could i even mentally survive that. Surely i can not. I have been on doryx for now a month and a half. By now i came to realisation that i will he slowly stopping doryx as it killed my digestive and immune system when i was on them for 8 long months. For this reason i have decided to stop. Can someone PLEASE give me any advice on what i can do? My skin should not have relied on EPIDUO for 2 YEARS!! And purge again once stopped. Clearly something within me is destroyed!! 

May 4, 2016
FINAL review after exactly 8 months and 2 weeks. My skin is completely clear of pimples! I get the occasional pimple when I am on my monthlys but other than that not one single pimple! Hyperpigmentation slowly goes every single day. I am currently on 1 Doryx tablet every morning and Epiduo cream every night. Still rated a four as it takes a lot of patience to see results. Its no quick fix that's for sure. PATIENCE is key to this treatment! Do no start if you are not willing to pass 5 months of it as stopping mid-way only makes it worse for you. Goodluck to anyone who begins this treatment. You will only be disappointed if you are not patient and expect fast results. Stick with it and you will see wonders happen. Also take photos every 2 weeks and you will see how it gets worse and worse and worse than by 3 months better and better!
January 28, 2016
Yes i wore oil free makeup everyday
November 13, 2015
Week 14: Skin is very hyperpigmented. Few active pimples. Has improved incredibly. The pigmentation is putting me off. Not sure how long that will take.
November 8, 2015
Week 13. Same as week 12 . . . Still getting pimpled here and there. Lots of pigmentation
November 4, 2015
Week 12. Skin: lots of red pigmentation. I asked the dermatologist how i can get rid of this red scar pigmented blotches. He said that its actually from the Doryx oral antibiotics which causes redness and as soon as i stop the pills i will have no redness. So bonus! The dermatologist also now does glycolic peels every 4 week visits. Ive had one and he said its for blackheads and for any brown pigmentation from previous pimples. He also gave me a 10percent glycolic acid lotion for my back to reduce brown pigmentation. Acne: I dont have much active pimples just 2 or 3. The rest of my skin is sooooo smooth especially beneath my left jaw which used to be extra bump with large cysts. My skin isnt perfect but its improved by 70 percent. Just a reminder to what im on. Morning: 2 × 50mg Doryx antibacterial tablets Yaz Birth control pill Both Morning and Nights i wash with Cetaphil Cleanser Night: Epiduo cream on my face
October 22, 2015
Week 11: same as week 10
October 18, 2015
Week 10: same as week 9
October 10, 2015
Sorry delayed. Week 8. Skin: No more dry skin, no more redness just LOTS of red pigmentation and not one bit itchy. Acne: As everyone has said by week 8 thats when you see results and thats exactly what happened to me Week 8 and not one active pimple not one not even a cyst or under the skin bumps ZERO but lots of pigmentation but if i run my hand across my face its perfectly smooth. Week9. Skin: No dryness No redness and No itchyness. Acne: For some odd reason i got 2 cysts on my lower right jaw and i got 4 active pimples on the middle of my cheeks and ive never had pimples on my cheeks before 🙁 i was over the moon last week that i actually improved incredibly but this week i dont know what happened. I read other reviews and alot of people said by week 8 you see improvements but by week 12 it actually completely improves so now patience for another 3 weeks!!!!
September 25, 2015
Week 7: Skin: not as dry, red pigmentation, no more itchy feels. Acne: Back has flared again ALOT but i guess part of the cycle? Face: my forehead has no active pimples , my left side cheek and jaw only has one active pimple, my right side cheek has one active pimple and under my right jaw i have like 3 under the skin cysts. So it has improved alot. The rest of my skin looks like it has alot of pimples but its all red pigmentation and its very very smooth to touch. Well see how next week goes. Patience!!!!
September 20, 2015
Week 6: Skin: Not dry anymore, still red and a little itchy. Acne: My back is really soft again and it isnt flared anymore but i have alot of pigmentation. My skin is okay not that great a few pimples on my forehead and lower chin and a few under the skin cysts under my right cheek on the neck. Its very similar to week 5 not much differences. But with epiduo i feel like the pimples improve within three days even less. I went dermatologist end of week 6. He saw my face and said that it has improved and he said itll take upto 12 weeks and to be patient. So i am. He told me to put epiduo now every night rather than every second night like previously. He also told me to go on Yaz birth control pill once i start my periods and stay on the Doryx tablets also. Ill be seeing him in 5 weeks.
September 20, 2015
Thankyou for the response!!! I hope so, patience is seriously so important with this treatment. So anyone reading this just stay patient... its a pain but nothing comes quick and anything that claims it does is a lie all they do is damage your skin or worsen it. So always go to a dermatologist.
September 13, 2015
Week 5: Skin: Not as dry and not as red but still dry and red. Acne: My back is getting a little better. My face has slightly flared again on my forehead, upper lip and on lower cheeks and jawlines. I was so excited last week thinking yay its finally going but now that it flared again it made me feel really upset. But with all the reviews i read they have similar experiences and they only really see big improvements by 8 weeks to 12 weeks. So i have to be patient!!! Im going dermatologist by the end of Week 6 and ill update you on what happens.
September 6, 2015
Week 4: Skin: Dry, Red and not as itchy Started off crazy at the start of the week. I nearly gave up but its very important to continue. My back has flared up again... im sure itll get better. But by the end of the week i had a great experience the left side of my face and forehead has not one active pimple just high red pigmentation which looks like pimples but they arent!!!! Wohoo but the right side is still crazy so fingers crossed for Week 5.
September 4, 2015

I've rated 3 for my current review. However as weeks progress on comments below my rating might change according to my experiences. Age: 20 Sex: Female Skin type: Olive skin, Oily, Medium Pores. Acne history: Never had acne, just a few spots here and there on my face. Acne: Hit me at 20 - moderate acne such as blackheads, white heads, lots of cysts around lower cheeks and jawline and a bit of spots on my back. Acne Treatment History: I undertook SGA at Clearskin Clinic Australia: FAIL - WORSENED acne by 3 x Current Acne Treatment: Finally went to a dermatologist. He prescribed me Epiduo and Doryx 50mg. Routine: Morning- 1. Wash with Cetaphil Foam Cleanser. 2. Dry with a anti-bacterial cloth and if I'm leaving the house: 3. Apply Cetaphil oil-free moisturiser spf 30 if I'm not leaving the house: 3. Apply Cetaphil oil-free moisturiser After i eat breakfast: I take 2 Doryx tablets with water. Night- 1. Wash with Cetaphil Foam Cleanser. 2. Dry with anti-bacterial cloth 3. Apply Epiduo (pea-sized amount) I put Epiduo every second night on my face as the dermatologist recommended (Always listen to what the dermatologist recommends as everyones skin is different). So on the nights i do not put it i put Cetaphil oil-free moisturiser. I will be writing a weekly review on this post. It will be UPDATED every week. The rest of the weeks will be posted as a comment on this post. Week 1. Skin: Very dry, flaky, itchy, red Acne: A few old pimples went but a lot of new ones appeared. Week 2. Skin: Slight Improvement - dry, flaky, red Acne: Its like a continued cycle of a few old ones leaving but a lot of new ones appearing and my back has gotten SO MUCH more pimples to which i have never had in my entire life. Week 3. Skin: My skin has gotten used to Epiduo. It's only a little dry but moisturising quickly fixes it. Still a little itchy and red. Acne: During this week i felt like some days my skin looked like wow its improving and other days i feel like a got stung by 20 bees. Its like a cycle. But i feel like the new ones that come quickly go and my back is still really bad. I will now be posting weekly reviews on the comments. If you would like to ask any questions go ahead.