Forum Replies Created

HELP !! I need to stop Picking !

I'm Fourteen years old and suffer from very mild acne bumps under the skin. My skin isn't smooth and is full of little bumps be Although you can't really see them they bother me so much ! For some rea...

In forum Hyperpigmentation - red/dark marks

8 years ago
Should I Use Acne.Org ?

Thanks so much for your replies ! I will definitely try to use the methods suggested before going out and doing the entire regiment. I've recently ordered the Acne.Org Cleanser as a start and will try...

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago
Should I Use Acne.Org ?

I'm 14 years old and have had internal struggles with my spots for about 3 years. My skin's never been perfect, but I feel like my skin has recently been getting worse and I can't seem to pinpoint why...

In forum The Regimen

8 years ago