User's Review Comments

Duac : Clindamycin (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel
January 27, 2017
I have been using Duac for years. Using only pin drop amounts on the pore head of each pimple. Time consuming for sure but at least I don't burn my face to pieces the way I did when I didn't know any better and first started using it. Also, even though I have a brand new prescription I keep an expired tube when I need to use on a larger area so it's not as strong. But what I believe really helps - for all the users who have the red marks after - ask for a prescription of Tazorac. I use the strongest formula .01% - it's like using RetinA but it also conditions the skin at the same time. And when I use it consistently I can actually peel fine layers off. I hope this helps someone else. And for the person who left a note about not using makeup . . . when I lived in NYC my dermatologist insisted I use foundation to keep the dirt out of my pores. And it worked!!! He was a dermatologist for the top models in NY and he saved my skin. Good luck to everyone! Happy skin!
January 27, 2017
BTW, he recommended Cover Girl!