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Can taking vitamin c supplement prevent indent scar from acne?


Posted : 08/13/2022 1:30 am

Im so confused, they said vitamin c help collagen synthesis, but some said vitamin c can reduce keloid which are causing by too much collagen. I have acne and I want to prevent scarring, I want to find supplements that can prevent it


Posted : 08/13/2022 12:57 pm

11 hours ago, Plsgivemehappyskin said:

Im so confused, they said vitamin c help collagen synthesis, but some said vitamin c can reduce keloid which are causing by too much collagen. I have acne and I want to prevent scarring, I want to find supplements that can prevent it

I think it's a stretch to say supplements can prevent scarring but they can likely aid healing or texture. I take vit c, multi, cod liver oil, calcium and eat healthy when I can. Vitamin d from sunlight which most are deficient in may help too but I'd suggest limited intakes and not sun through any scarred skin. Meaning try to grab sunlight on less strong days and through body not too long through face imo.
