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As a recovered severe acne sufferer here is my experience


Posted : 08/07/2022 6:10 am

I made this post hopefully to give people some element of hope. I am now 32 and am acne free after a near 20 year battle with severe body and facial acne. My case was seemingly hopeless and I had failed literally very treatment.

I used to have an account on this site back in 2013 (my name was ''dark heart'') where I would vent frustrations with my skin and unfortunately I would argue with members which lead me to be banned from the site. You have to understand back then I was filled with absolute anger and despair over my skin and had an enormous chip on my shoulder. I couldn't see anything but darkness around my acne situation and the fact that so much of the diet and skincare ''advice'' I had gotten from other people enraged me because I had tried everything they tried to suggest many times over.


Let me describe my acne. It started on my back at perhaps eleven years old and then started popping up on my face. By age 17 I was suffering from severe cystic acne and was one of these people who didn't have ''one clear spot'' on my face. Most of my body was covered in cystic acne as well which lead me to never show my back or arms in my teens or early 20's especially. Not once did I ever go swimming or go to the beach. pool etc. because of the severity of my body acne. Missed out on any enjoyment of those kind of activities.


Back in 2011 my facial acne and the acne on my shoulders became so severe I dropped out of the college program I was taking and never left the house that entire year except to see the doctor. My shoulders were so bad I had full on sinus tracks from the cysts and couldn't see skin (so much acne and inflammation) - never have I ever seen my body acne to that state. It was just mind boggling. I was referred to an endocrinologist and was given Spironolactone and birth control but it was a huge failure. My acne did not improve one bit and somehow.. even became worse (likely the birth control). Side effects were terrible too. The next year I got into an insane diet regimen and a skin care routine that was nuts. This ended up making me even more depressed as I became fanatical over the whole thing and didn't get the results I would have hoped for. You add to this people in the real world making comments about my acne and acting self righteous (''You would have clear skin if you did this right etc.'') I was a mess emotionally.


Accutane was always recommended but I passed it off purely out of fear. I thought it would not work and my acne would come back. I was also terrified over having permanent side effects from it. I decided to take it at 26 for 6 months after being persuaded by a dermatologist (new one this time). I had some success but my acne came back on my face and body about two years later though I seemingly no longer had as much ''cystic acne''. I was disappointed that it returned but not surprised. I decided to take another round on a 120 dose at 30 for 8 months and this was the magic bullet that has given me completely clear skin ever since. Haven't had one pimple since 2020 and my skin is nice and flat - no bumps. Even my texture has really improved with not nearly as much damage as I would have thought apart from my shoulders (which I still cover, they have some bad scars but even that has improved).

I think for me it just took a very strong dose of Accutane to beat this disease a second time around. I realize my case was aggressive and it would have been a long battle either way to fight either way. This was also a psychological battle but understand this, you can like me get through it.


Believe me I was suicidal many times (I probably even mentioned it in posts back then). I understand the head space people get in with severe acne and zero results from different treatment year after year. Also the social and romantic rejection which add another layer of sadness. But you can survive it.
