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Microneedling length for shallow forehead scar?


Posted : 08/30/2019 1:46 pm

Hi all,

I am going in for a consultation with my dermatologist for my shallow boxcar/pockmark scar on my forehead.

I believe a nurse practitioner will be performing the treatment and want to make sure that theyusethe right needle length.

What length/depth should be used on the forehead for shallow pitted scarring?

Thank you!


Posted : 08/30/2019 2:23 pm

If she does not know the length to use on a microneedle we have problems, this is basic basic stuff. She would not be offering the treatment if she did not know the lengths to use. Basic anatomy tells us the length to use and of course your personal skin. Read the derminator mega thread pinned to the top of the main scar treatments sub.

I only respond now by PM (private message) - privacy/ confidentiality/ easier maintenance of senders / less confusion /a better use to prioritize my time to the 100's of severe acne scar cases I help a day by PM, etc - Feel free to PM me with your questions, thank you for your patience and understanding.

