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Benzoyl Peroxide worsening acne before improving?


Posted : 09/26/2018 8:23 pm

About 5 days ago, I began using a benzoyl peroxide face wash from Kasier Permanente at the advice of my dermatologist. Other reviews say that bp face washes cleared up their skin almost within a week but I don't see any results yet (although, I will keep using it for a few more weeks since everyone has different skin types). I've only been using washing with it for 30 seconds a day and using a lotion (Johnson&Johnson) or sunscreen after, but it seems that it might be worsening my acne. I mainly have groups of small bumps (I stopped getting cysts & large pimples before using bp and still don't have them) on my cheeks, that hurt a little if I press on them. I don't know if the bp wash is bringing up these bumps to clear out oils and bacteria underneath my skin. Has anyone experienced this? And does it really worsen your acne before improving it? I don't have any dryness or swelling at all, maybe a little itching. I also use a cerave facewash with salicylic acid at night. Should I be using the bp wash for longer amount of time (1-2 minutes?) for greater effect? Thank you if you read all of this and any advice will be greatly appreciated


Posted : 10/07/2018 4:30 pm

Its definitely common; they refer to it as a purge. A week of using the product and then having clear skin is highly unrealistic. It took me 6 months to get 100% clear skin.


Posted : 10/10/2018 1:20 pm

Unfortunately for us, a good number of acne treatments make the situation a little worse before it gets better. :( This would seem to be the case with you. I would stick it out- five days isn™t very long time to make a final decision about a long trusted and often used acne medication (benzoyl peroxide).
My first thought was that you should be sure you™re adequately moisturizing your skin while using bp AND that what you™re moisturizing your skin with won™t cause new acne. You want to look for noncomedogenic products and you very well might need to moisturize more than twice a day. Benzoyl peroxide could conceivably make acne worse until your skin gets used to the treatment because bp dries out the skin, leading it to produce more natural oil which then often contributes to pimples (at least in us acne-prone folks).

klessard liked

Posted : 10/23/2018 10:27 am

I have been using duac once daily gel which has a combination of antibiotics and benzoyl peroxide Ivebeen using for a month and Ive honsth seen not many positive changes except for if I pop a spot then put it on once cleansed it will get rid of it but when I use it the way you should the spots on my forehead seem to be worse. Now all my spots are under the surface and ugh its a right mess. Im still following through with the treatment because my doctor said if it doesnt work I can try oral antibiotics so thats what I am doing. And if that doesnt work then Im pretty much helpless lmao.
Good Luck and I hope it works out for you xx
