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Collagen loss after laser treatment


Posted : 06/16/2018 6:51 pm

Hello all,

i had 2 subcision treatments, one of them left me with a raised scar. I guess I was not a good candidate. I am now waiting to see a bew doctor who can hopefully help me make it go away.

I had 2 fraxel treatments and 1 co2. I noticed that after my 3rd laser treatment, which was the co2 that was done at the same time with my second subcision, so as I stsarted healing my cheeks started losing collagen. Basically the skin is kind of flat and wrinkled, very noticable especially when I smile.

As you can see I did not have the best of luck with these treatments. I wish I could go back to the way I was, icepick scars and nothing else. These new issues are much more noticable. Of course i contacted the doctor that treated me, of course he denies everything and tells mey cheeks looked like this before. I do not have it in me to fight it. Feeling depressed and not want to be around people. My face looks 15 years oldeer than my real age (which is 39)

Does anyone have a personal experience similar to mine? I started taking collegen supplements in the hope of replacing the collagen i lost because of the co2 but i am not even sure it could make a difference? I am also taking vitamin c, l lysine, and a b complex. Is there a way the body can replace lost collagen in the cheeks or am i stuck like this?

I have an appointment in september to see a cosmetic surgeon. i went to see a dermatologist (a new one) and he sent me to a plastic surgeon basically. it is awful i have to wait so long to have a consult. meanwhile my cheeks
are atrophied and i also have that scar/lump i got after the subcision.
if someone has some good advice, id appreciate it. Thanks for reading.

Edited to add: i also have wicked hyperpigmentation since the lasers and instead of going to another agressive treatment i would rather treat it myself. Any suggestions? i started using really aloe leaves and just rub the juice directly on my skin. Anything else i can do other than an actual chemical peel?


Posted : 07/14/2018 1:30 pm

I would put the brakes on any more extreme operations or peels. You'll only be introducing more trauma to your skin and risk further scarring. I know it's hard to deal with this, I'm dealing with some severe post inflammatory erythema myself at the moment. But the best thing you can do is to not interfere with your skin's natural healing processes. As far as raised scars, I've had great success with silicone sheets/scar gel in the past. It can take a month or two, but with daily use it should start flattening out. As far as redness and collagen, you're on the right track with the aloe vera gel for soothing and moisture. I would add a vitamin c serum to your routine. It's supposed to promote collagen production and fade pigmentation, but considering the trauma your face has been through, only stick with the sodium ascorbyl phosphate kind of vitamin c, as to avoid any further irritation.

Unfortunately for us, this sort of thing takes time, but waiting a few months to a year is much better than immediately causing damage and spending the rest of your life with irreversible scarring.

Silavana liked

Posted : 07/18/2018 3:33 am

same problem i have faced in my college
