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Contraception advice?!


Posted : 11/15/2017 7:03 pm

Hello lovely people!
I'm needing some advice on contraception. Some background on me:
I was on the pill for years and came off it 3 years ago. When I came off if it I was hit hard with terrible acne. Literally from crystal clear skin to SEVERE ACNE. So now after taking accutane last year my skin is okay! Not perfect but not much of a bother.
Now I haven't been in a serious relationship for a while so my go to contraception has been condoms.. but now I am in a little more serious a situation and would like to opt for something else. The pill is great, but I'm worried I will break out once I decide to stop taking it. I have tried the implant which made me gain a lot of weight so I won't be getting that again. Can anyone let me know what contraception has workedfor them and hasn't made them break out? The last thing I want is to be trying for a baby later down the track with acne all over my face. Lol.
Thanks guys xxx


Posted : 11/15/2017 7:38 pm

Theres an IUD out there that doesnt use hormones, so I dont think it would affect acne one way or another. I think its called paragard.


Posted : 11/19/2017 1:47 am

I've been on Alesse for 7 years & it has never caused acne for me. I've gone off & on periodically & it doesn't seem to affect my skin (which is already very acne prone). It has a pretty low dose of hormones too.

That being said, a LOT of people have reviewed Alesse negatively since it uses levonorgestrel, which is said to cause acne. It's actually prescribed in Canada (where I live) to treat acne though so who knows. All I know is that it works for me!
