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I really need help (with pics)


Posted : 08/21/2017 11:18 am

I'm 19 and currently in the last stage of puberty, I guess. I've been suffering from acne since 2015. 
Initially it was really bad, and I was given adapalene and clindamycin by the dermatologist, which had really helped. I've also been on BP, and doxycycline for a while.

I'm currently going through one of the worst skin phases. I'm starting my 3rd month on 5% BP, and 100 mg doxycycline once a day.

I mostly have papules and stubborn red hyperpigmentation marks. I also get skin coloured bumps under my skin. I'm trying to use BP as a spot treatment for the bumps, but without much success.
In fact, the marks are more of a problem than the acne itself. They've been there for ages. Even when I was relatively clear, I still had to deal with these red/brown marks. 
Could BP be aggravating my marks? 

Also, I have sensitive skin. I use aloe vera gel and Neutrogena oil free moisture at nights, along with the BP.

I understand that most of it is hormonal, but I'm sure there are ways that I can improve the condition of my skin and prevent scarring.
I'm really depressed about the state of my skin. Any pointers?




Posted : 08/22/2017 1:15 pm

Hey! how are you?
Look, a lot of people say that BP aggravates and prolongs their red marks so maybe It is in fact aggravating yours. Do you wear sunscreen everytime you go out and reapply it several times a day ? this is very important since the BP can cause your skin to be much more sun sensitive and if not protected your marks can darken (even if you were not using BP applying sunscreen would be very important, of course). 
Also, do you pick at your skin ? if you do then STOP immediately.
Other than this what I can tell you is that sometimes , even if you treat your skin gently and don´t touch It the mark will still be there after the pimple goes´s just how It is. 
There are  several treatments for acne scarring that can help accelerate things but you first need to treat your acne completely, otherwise it will never be over.
Good luck , it will get better :)
