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Posted : 02/12/2017 2:49 pm

Ihadacnefor maybe 6-7 years(idk exact years)!afterconsultingcouple of dermatologists/doctors/skin specialists Icurefromacnebytakinglotofantibiotics &applying topicals.butaftergotridofacne Ihavenow (sebaceous filaments/cloggedpores/pluggedsebum/whitegunk inthepores)idkwhatshould Icallit -for 3 years . Iwenttoskinspecialists/doctors/dermatologists but theycouldn't getridofthatfromme.itsalmost 1-2 years i'm searchingfor the solution of thisproblembylurkinghereandongoogle. have found some solution but they didn't work for me. I have also lot of scars from my old cystic acne &skinpickinghabit. still Ihaveskinpickinghabit. Ireally justcan'tgiveupthat habit. Ihavetoremove those whitegunk/sebumfromthepores, coz Ifeel much better.thosethings botherme muchthan my scars. Idon'tknow Iwillgotridofthosethingsornot.maybe Ineedtoacceptthatandmove on.difficultbutnootherchoice I think. I mwritingthisherecozifany1haveexactsolutionforthisproblemwill hopefully helpmeout someday. thatwillbemuchappreciated.btwsryformyenglishif Ididanymistakes.I'mnot anativeEnglishspeaker. :3
Andmyadvicefor thosewhosuffering fromanykindof acne plsconsult a doctor/dermatologist/skinspecialistinsteadoflurkinghereoron internet.thatwillbebetterforyou.onemore thingnevereverstopthe treatment in midway.


Posted : 11/19/2017 12:50 pm

I had this exact problem for years!! And I finally solved what to do! I always said if I figure out the solution i will come back to share it with others! I had this problem for probably about 8-10 years since I was younger, and the only way I could get rid of it was by squeezing them only I hated it cuz it would leave scars and red marks behind, I tried everything from OTC to prescription strength to diet to chemical peels etc. So, this summer I finally figured out the cure. I went and got a facial with EXTRACTIONS, and it was from the local spa, not a fancy dermatologist, and doing it yourself wont work, I promise go to a professionalAND heres the important part to keep them from coming back, I stopped using the face moisturizer that had oilin them, so stop using those anything withoiland make sure you get one that says on it, OIL FREE. And I suggest a better cleanser, the cetaphil is not the best for taking off makeup, you can tell because if you tone afterwards it should have zero makeup residue on the cotton pad.The extractions get rid of them and the oil free moisturizer keeps them away. I promise you, try this, the extraction facial may be a little pricey, I paid 50 dollars, however it was worth it. And I actually went through it a second time, bout 2 months later because I ran out of the oil free moisturizer I had and started my old one, and BAM the closed comedones came back after using that moisturizer for only 1 week. Fortunately I didnt get that many so she didnt have to do much. So its been about 5 months now and my face is still bump free! My makeup looks flawless and if I dont want to, I dont have to worry about putting on makeup everyday to cover up my hideous acne.

Now my routine is:
Dermatologica Clean Start Wash Off Cleanser

Witch Hazel for toner

Neutrogena Oil Free Moisturizer with SPF 15

P.S. Results were instant! Besides the face that my face was a little red due to the extractions. But that went away in a couple days.
