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What Will help to Get Rid of These Red Spots?


Posted : 12/18/2016 5:03 pm

I've had acne for around two years, and I used to always pop them. Recently about 4 or so months ago I stopped popping them completely, and eventually I stopped getting as many pimples. I still have a few, I haven't ridded them all. Now I have red spots where my pimples were mostly. In this picture my face is relatively smooth, with maybe 4-5 pimples. I'm pretty sure I start getting these red marks after I began tanning in the summer. I tanned my whole body nearly everyday as well as my face. When I didn't tan I never really had them. Could that be the cause for my hyperoigmentation? What products could I put on the spots to even out my skin tone? After washing everyday I apply apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, then aloe Vera gel. 



Posted : 12/18/2016 7:44 pm

The marks will fade with time. Time is the only ''cure''. Also, tanning is bad for your skin. You should alwaysstay away from the sun and embrace your natural skin tone. If you have to go out in the sun, use protection!


Posted : 12/25/2016 7:07 am

The sun is definitely bad for exacerbating the look of hyperpigmentation. Always try to wear sunscreen when you're going out.

Time definitely deals with the red marks, but if you don't want to wait there are ways to speed it up.

I've had great success with vitamin c serum. I use it twice a day after washing my face. It's not immediate, but it reduces the waiting time. I also use AHA (glycolic acid) 3 times a week. Exfoliating is what I contribute to much of the improvements I've had. If you go this route be sure to start out with a low percentage and don't do it everyday at first. Work your way up to that and to a higher dosage. Avoid putting it on any active or open acne wounds, but once they healed you can use it on the spot. It's good to moisturize after as well, I know that seems counterintuitive but it helps. Your skin gets dried out from products and produces more oil and sebum in response, making things worse. You have to wear sunscreen if you use any acid as well, it removes the outer layer of dead skin cells and can increase your susceptiblity to sunburn. If you do it right you can reduce the redness and slowly improve your overall skin! Good luck!
