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What is causing my acne?!? I can't work it out


Posted : 11/23/2016 3:16 am

I've always had mild-moderate acne. Always struggled with lots of blackheads, a lot of bumps and then I'll get the big hard painful ones sporadically.

About 2 years ago I managed to get it cleared up with the help of medication and that lasted for about a year and a half. But the last dix months it's just gotten worse again. Tried going on medication again but that hasn't done anything.

I have a good diet (vegan, lots of natural foods, little junk), I exercise regularly, wash my face twice a day with non harmful products, sleep around 8 hours a night, I don't wear makeup apart from the odd occasion once a month. Thought it was hormonal, but my skin has been consistently bad over the months.

I've currently got a large hard painful one and it's starting to get me down. Before I cleared it up the first tome, I was a nervous person, hated going out and doing stuff because I was so self conscious and I feel myself retreating back to that. I just want to find out what could be the cause.

Any suggestions?


Posted : 11/23/2016 11:47 am

I can definitely relate. Seems no matter what my skin goes through good months and bad months.

Have you seen a dermatologist? Maybe write down every detail of your daily routine, eating habbits, etc. And see what a professional could recommend.

Remember that excessive washing or too much product can irritate your skin further. This can also cause more oil production because of the lack of natural oil. Excess oil and dead skin cells cause clogged pores, which causes acne. Be as gentle as you can possibly be.

I've started recording my daily routine along with when and where I get acne bumps, write down if you do something out of the norm for your routine such as a mask, or trying anything new. Take note when new acne appears, or if old bumps are fading. This may help you pin point what could be triggering your acne.

I suffer from depression and anxiety, diagnosed before my acne came around, so I know how it feels to be very subconscious. Try to remember that it isn't the end of the world, you can and will see improvement if you keep trying.


Posted : 11/23/2016 4:01 pm

4 hours ago, Byowgc said:

I've started recording my daily routine along with when and where I get acne bumps, write down if you do something out of the norm for your routine such as a mask, or trying anything new. Take note when new acne appears, or if old bumps are fading. This may help you pin point what could be triggering your acne.

Thank you, this is a good idea, I may have to try it out. I haven't spoken to a dermatologist specifically, but I've been to the doctors 2 or 3 times.


Posted : 11/25/2016 3:04 am

If your using an all natural skin care regimen, it is most likely being caused from within. I recommend Oil of oregano supplements, garlic supplements and turmeric supplements, along with taking a women's probiotic. This is what I contribute my skin being clear to the most. If you have any questions- please feel free to reach out. Best of luck!!
