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Posted : 08/29/2016 5:34 pm

Hey I recently have been on the regime for a mere 4 days and everything was working wonders. Last night i broke out in a horrible case of hives. My neck, ears, shoulders and back feel like a million goosebumps and have been flaring up all night and all day. It almost stopped me from working today and i had to buy Reactine to make the hives subside a bit. I cant bring myself to use it tonight as im really worried with the state the hives where getting too. Any advice or similar circumstances would be great to hear. Im rather down on this happening as for the first time in years my face and back where clearing so quickly. I have been to two acupuncture appointments and will be starting Yin wash this week. Not sure if its the acupuncture along side the regime or the regime itself but the hives are from the regime as i have not changed one thing in my life other then this new product.

thanks for the time

Member Customer Service

Posted : 09/02/2016 3:00 pm

Hi MoneyedNode,

I'm sorry to hear about your skin.

First, make sure that you are not using any other products or treatments in conjunction with the Regimen products on your skin. Second, make sure that you are using the Regimen products precisely as outlined.

If you are using the Back/Body Regimen, our best advice is that you stop using the Treatment (Step 2) and the AHA+ (Step 3) temporarily until your skin goes back to normal. You may continue using the Cleanser (Step 1) twice a day as normal. Once your skin is calm, begin using all three products but start SLOWLY using only half a pump of Treatment (Step 2) and half a pump of AHA+ (Step 3) only once per day for a full week.

By week two, you may start applying half a pump of the Treatment and AHA+ twice a day. In week three, apply one full pump of Treatment and AHA+ twice a day (morning and night). In week four you can apply two full pumps of Treatment and AHA+ twice per day (morning and night). Since you are female and likely only using the products on your decolletage we would recommend you using only 2 full pumps of the Treatment and AHA+ as your full dose. If you find that you are not completely clear with 2 pumps of Step 2 and Step 3, you may increase the dose of both as needed until you are completely clear.
