Losing hope...week ...
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Losing hope...week 3


Posted : 06/01/2016 12:00 pm

Acne history: I had been using Proactiv for a good 8 years(biggest mistake of my life) when I started to notice my skin getting duller, little bumps started re-appearing, and my clothes and towels were getting bleached. These are things I guess I had ignored because the product was "working". I slowly stopped using Proactiv and then starting using an all natural line - that's when all hell broke loose. My face exploded and continued to get worse. I tried a few other natural methods and just got more and more frustrated as nothing was helping. Then, I stumbled across the acne.org regimen. I am on week 3 of the regimen and continue to lose hope. Although, my forehead has improved, I now have cystic acne around my chin which I never had before. I get multiple new pimples everyday. It feels like it's never going to end. My face is red, the bumps hurt and instead of getting better it just seems to be getting worse. Does anyone have a similar story? I'm at a loss. Does it get worse before it gets better? Help! Comments...suggestions...


Posted : 06/01/2016 12:18 pm

A big yes! It does get worse before it gets better. This is usually how it goes for a lot of regimen users. For me it was week 4 and 5 that were brutal and cysts just popped out here, there and everywhere on my face. I was very very close to quitting but I had already spent a lot of time, effort and money on the products I bought so I made sure I gave it a fair shot. I would say give it 3-4 months before changing your mind and quitting.
