Been on zenatane 40...
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Been on zenatane 40 mg for two weeks


Posted : 04/25/2016 11:08 pm

I'm 26 years old and I've been suffering from acne since 14 when I first got my period . I've tryed everything from over the counter washes, proactive , Mary Kay, antibiotics, and nothing has worked. It's gentetic my mother had it like my brothers as well. But there's went away after high school and me nothing . Some days are better then other when it comes to my acne one day I can have a few , and another day full face of acne. So I tried going to a few dermatologist until my last one that put me on zenatane 40mg I've been on it for two weeks . The first week was okay no dry skin just major headaches, and now as I get into the second week I have a face full of dry skin forehead, nose, chin, lips it's horrible. And I'm embattled at work. And my acne is just white heads but a lot in one spot which use to not happen . And my scalp is itchy I hope it goes away. And the acne is by my chin and upper lip i waxed a week before I started treatment and now I have acne all where I waxed .im also very hairy do I not wax so I won't break out or do I wax but get a whole lot of acne which makes me look like I have herpes. I hope it gets better and will update on my journey! Leave comments and let's chat


Posted : 04/26/2016 3:55 am

Yeah the first few months are rough, and its arguable that the entire course is pretty rough with the dry skin, consistently chapped lips etc. You're well on your way to better skin in the near future so just power through this and know that its gonna get better very soon.

Liz503 and DeLovely liked

Posted : 04/26/2016 8:36 pm

Thank you! I'm trying I know in the long run It will get better


Posted : 04/27/2016 6:30 pm

Do you know which cream would be good for dry skin


Posted : 04/28/2016 9:44 am

Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion. It works wonders and was recommended by my dermatologist.
