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What can I do about this?


Posted : 03/24/2016 3:44 am

  I used to have pretty bad acne when i was younger. I went on Accutane about 2 years ago and it worked out very well for me.  Before that I had very oily skin, but after the Accutane treatment it™s been quite flaky so I use a moisturizer regularly. My skin is just very rough/bumpy on my forehead, for lack of a better word. Is this acne scarring? A couple times during summer I would spend a decent amount of time in the sun growing up and get a nice tan, like any kid would.  I just wouldn™t think I would notice a rough texture such as this at 19 years old.  I also have very sensitive skin.  Is it that noticeable?  Sometimes it's better to get other peoples opinions because we know our personal flaws best, as our eyes are drawn to them when we see a photos/reflections of ourselves. If so, are there any treatments that can maybe help with this? Any information or help would be greatly appreciated



Posted : 03/24/2016 6:10 am

I don't think it's that noticeable. Perhaps you need to exfoliate then apply a good night cream and use a good day time moisturizer to get rid of the dry skin but I think your skin looks great. 🙂


Posted : 03/24/2016 6:20 am



Posted : 03/24/2016 10:24 pm

I have the same issue!  We've been through somewhat the same experience (oily skin, accutane, etc) and afterwards it just seems like my pores are more enlarged than usual.  In the right light the skin resembles the texture of the bumpy wall paint and it's quite unflattering.


Posted : 03/25/2016 10:07 am

this is not scarring
these are clogged pores/milia/sebaceous fillaments.
i went through accutane too, but accutane itself cant "dissolve" them, only stop them to keep appearing. These clogged pores often unclog and go away with timeas you wash your face diary but your sebaceous glands ill keep producing more oil so they keep reapearing forever until the oil production decrease , thats why accutane may work but only in a temporary way because the sebaceous glands come back to normal after a while.
i think the only thing that you can do to improve this is doing light peels. specially salicylic acid ones 20/30%. they will help to even your skin tone and with time it will unclogg and dissolve these sebaceous fillaments and diminish your oil production.
salicylic acid have proprieties to penetrate deep into the sebum because its fat soluble.
u can try glycolic acid peels too, but i do recommend salicylic acid overall
good luck u both

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