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Bumps all over forehead 🙁


Posted : 02/14/2016 1:07 pm

Okay so, I'm 16. 2 years ago, around winter I started noticing a cluster of bumps between my eyebrows. I'm not sure if this was the cause, but a few days before I had gotten my eyebrows threaded for the first time. The day after I had a lot of redness and a few pimples which went within the same week. Then the bumps appeared; there wasn't many (probably around 9). I didn't care too much because apart from that my skin was extremely clear. Months had past and they were still there, these colourless bumps that I thought could not be popped since they didn't look like normal zits. One day, I started picking them and weirdly found out that they could be popped, so I popped all of them... I thought that it was all good, until I saw that there were more of them this time just a tad smaller. I told myself not to pop them again, but obviously this didn't last. Last year one of my close friends told me to try ketoconazole, which I did in desperation. I slathered it all over my forehead for 3 days in a row (I kept it on for 30 mins). It made these bumps significantly smaller only now they had taken over my whole forehead. Now they are at the same state, I haven't used ketoconazole for months, I exfoliate often, I spent a month off face wash (only using moisturiser), i've used facemasks, anti-dandruff shampoos, etc... Should I try ketoconazole again, will it eventually make the bumps so small that they almost sink into my skin? I don't want to keep trying "treatments" that will make them worse.

My forehead is literally my biggest insecurity, please help 

PS. My forehead is EXTREMELY dry and flaky.
       I hate the texture of it.
       My skin is clear, apart from my forehead (here and there I get the occasional spot that goes within a few days)


Posted : 02/14/2016 2:05 pm

I have the same problem as you, I'm almost 16 too. I'm having my eyebrows done in a few days so I think I will flare up too. A while ago I used a prescribed antibiotic lotion called zineryt which did really work, but thats only if the caused is bacteria, which you can't be sure of. At the moment I used a 5% benzoyl peroxide in Duac Once Daily Gel and this works to keep them at bay, but not a cure. I have recently started using raw honey on my face and that seems good (patch test first!).
Make sure you moisturise your forehead if its flaking and ex foliate ONCE a week, no more, and do it gently.
You said you spent a month off fash wash, if you moisturise you should really wash your face in the morning and at night.

Also drink lots of water, and if you have combination skin I would recommend Vitamin D3 (this stops oiliness which causes congestion) and zinc- I'm not sure why zinc works I've just read it, haha. Good luck, and if the rest of your skin is clear, be happy about that you're lucky!


Posted : 02/14/2016 3:28 pm

1 hour ago, SummaryOxygen said:

Also drink lots of water, and if you have combination skin I would recommend Vitamin D3

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll be trying out the Vitamin D3 tablets. Is there any over-the-counter treatments that have worked for you?


Posted : 02/14/2016 5:04 pm

I believe you can buy benzyl peroxide over the counter- so maybe that could work for you, it sort of has worked for me, I think my acne would be a lot worse without it. What face cleanser do you use? I used a cream cleanser for a while and then got Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser which feels a lot better on my skin, but not sure if its causing redness.


Posted : 02/15/2016 4:37 pm

Tell me, what are you eating?


Posted : 04/07/2016 8:05 am

UPDATE: Around 3 weeks ago I started using 2% ketoconazole (found in anti dandruff shampoos) to get rid of these bumps. I used it like a face wash on and off for a week, really making sure I was working it into my skin. 5 minutes after rubbing it gently on my forehead I would wash it off. There was definitely a small difference, however my skin on my forehead had become significantly drier and there were around 3 pimples forming. After the first week trying it out, I decided to use ketoconazole as my "forehead cleanser" for atleast a month to see if the results would improve. It is my 3rd week and I am extremely satisfied with the results!!! The bumps on my forehead are slowly but surely fading away.There are large patches on my forehead that no longer have the bumps! The bumps that are left are much smaller in size, my skin is smoother and I am feeling much more confident. However, with good news comes bad. Once beginning the course of this treatment, as mentioned briefly before, I started getting new breakouts on my forehead, currently there are 4 hard red pimples. I'm not too concerned about these because they do diminish rapidly and when they do go, the area around that pimple looks flat/smooth. It is as if every week I gain 2 pimples which go within the same week. Exfoliation has helped incredibly as well. I exfoliate my skin once a week, and when I do, dry flakey skin on my forehead falls off once again suprising me to a softer, re-textured layer of skin. I moisturise with a thick layer of vaseline to reduce the dryness on my forehead, this has not broken me out.
