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Posted : 01/24/2016 6:41 am

I'm coming up to my fifth week on Tetralysal and have noticed little to no improvement so far ):

I wondered if anyone else had any experience with this antibiotic - did it work, and if so how long did it take to see results?


Posted : 01/25/2016 2:04 pm

About 10 years ago I used it for 6 months and it made very little difference.

I've found that oral antibiotics usually start working pretty quickly. If you haven't noticed much difference after 6 weeks then it's unlikely you're going to see a vast improvement.


Posted : 02/29/2016 2:29 pm

I started lymecycline / tetralysal (they're the same) around 2 years ago, when I first started they took around 2 or 3 months to work (I'm not sure if this is medically approved but I took 2 a day for the first couple weeks to try get them to kick in faster)but when they started working I noticed a huge difference... I used to have really, really bad acne and before going to accutane my doctor suggested lymecycline first so I tried it and it really did work, I still have spots but not acne. The drug works to clear acne but you might still have some spots. That's what happened to me anyway. But I'm happy with how my skin is now anyway


Posted : 03/01/2016 2:20 am

Hey there. I took lymecycline for a fewyears. In the beginning it did work but, it took some months to work and I used some topicals too. I would still get spots but I wasn't covered in them anymore.

I would suggest sticking out the minimum course. 3 months is it - can't remember- ? and don't get another box of tablets until the doctor has checked your skin out.

If you don't think something is working for you, don't be shy to see the doctor and tell them.That was my mistake.

Hope you see some results soon.


Posted : 04/06/2016 11:04 am

Thanks everyone, it's been just over three months now and my skin has improved greatly (: Still have a lot of marks left behind and the occasional spot, but overall much better than before. I also started to take Yasmin which I'm just finishing month 2 of, so I think that may be the reason why I'm breaking out a little more than before....fingers crossed though that within a month or so the IB will be over!
