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Red marks have stayed the same for 6 months!


Posted : 01/10/2016 3:58 pm

I have made a few posts about red marks around 4-5 months ago but I feel like my situation hasn't got any better in that time. I have done LOADS of research into red marks and mild rolling scars (which I have!) so I know that red marks can last anywhere up to 2 years usually. But my red marks have been on my face for 6 months with NO improvement. The first month my marks actually got better but other then that for the past 5 months there has been no change. I understand red marks can take a long time to dissapear but I thought I would have seen some improvement in 5/6 months! I have used everything... Exfoliator, vitamin C serum, vitamin C tablets, drinking 4-5 litres a day etc! I have recently started using a 1.5 dermaroller but I still see no difference.

Seriously is there anything that can be done to help? I can't use serious treatment as I can't afford it!


Posted : 01/10/2016 5:45 pm

your skin ph lvl can be unbalance and results to slower healing
