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Posted : 10/13/2015 1:42 pm

Before you read this, know that you are not alone! Acne is the most common skin disease in the world. It' so great that you are researching ways to help cure your acne but remember to always be kind to yourself. It won't go away overnight but IT WILL GO AWAY. I promise you. Keep up your routine and know that everyone is rooting for you! :)


I have always had acne prone skin with minor break outs. Suddenly at age 25 I got hit pretty hard with hormonal cystic acne which resided mostly in my chin/jaw area.


I attributed it to stress from quitting my job, starting a new career that had much more responsibility as well as starting dating for the first time since breaking up with my long term boyfriend. The acne worsened VERY QUICKLY. Luckily, I was very proactive in my research. I figured out it was hormonal based on where it was and how different it was from my regular breakouts.


Immediately I went to my doctor and switched to Yaz birth control from my previous brand and got a prescription for Epiduo/Tactupump (depending on if you're from Canada or the U.S.). The birth control seemed to start working within the first month - and the Epiduo worked on some of my pimples but not the larger, cystic ones I was experiencing.


I then started taking Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin A, Magnesium, Turmeric and Vitamin C supplements. I also began applying turmeric topically to my zits by making a paste with water. Things were getting better but I kept researching because I was eager to get back to my normal skin as quickly as possible.


I started drinking 3 liters of water a day. I cut out dairy, oil, and was almost gluten free. At this point I was getting no new acne and just working on healing the existing problem areas on my face. Then one day I read about putting plain yogurt on your face as a mask with honey twice a day. This is what helped get me back to where I am today! The yogurt is soothing and hydrating to your skin, yet also gently exfoliates your existing problem areas. It seemed in no time at all my skin tone was evened out and you would have never known what was going on on my face just a few weeks before!


Again, I can't say it enough - be nice to yourself!!!  I do feel there is a lesson to take away from each case of acne - usually it is to take better care of your nutrition or balancing out your hormones (both of which really improve your quality of life). In addition to the steps I took above another huge factor in hormonal acne is reducing stress! Stay away from mirrors, don™t touch your face, go out with your friends, and enjoy your life!! This will be imperative in getting rid of acne.
