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Is There A Lot Of Money Pumped Into Scientific Study For Scar Treatments? I Often Question This...


Posted : 09/17/2015 5:05 am

I'm curious...


Is it, that millions of coin is spent on scientific study and research to come up with new techniques for acne scarring and scarring in general, and the options we have available are quite literally the best 'they' can come up at the moment. ie. There is literally no real 100% cure possible with today's technology.




Is it, that very little, or not enough money and time is put into this particular issue, so all we have are treatments that make slight differences, developed by businesses just looking to make $$$.


Does anyone have any idea?...


Posted : 09/17/2015 4:04 pm

NomNomWaffles, the world is bigger than the USA. You can't just throw money at doctors and scientists and they will solve any problem. Do you think states with healthcare where the government pays for your cancer treatment such as Sweden don't want a cure?


Scarring can not be fixed yet, we do not have the technology to make new skin grow in its place. Perhaps in the future with stem cells and so on it will be possible. As of right now, you can only make scarring less visible. Even if you have many treatments such as lasers and subcision the scars will still be there, beneath the skin you have raised with the help of these treatments, and it will probably sink back down when you get older.


This whole issue is bigger than acne scars. Maybe if acne scars was as common as having bad teeth we'd have better surgical options to make the scars less visible, but when it comes to a cure, you have to put acne scars on the same page as burns and other skin injuries where the deeper layers of the skin are destroyed. There simply isn't a way to make your skin regrow fully normal, just like it's not possible to grow new limbs.

missamua and Emhfali liked

Posted : 09/17/2015 8:08 pm

Acne scarring is not a big topic but curing the signs of aging is a multibillion dollar industry. It is through the cosmetic industry that all progress will come. Follow the money trail.

missamua liked

Posted : 09/18/2015 12:50 am

Unfortunately, I think next to no money is spent specifically on research for scarring and acne scars. Why? It's not a particularly glamorous field for a doctor to work in. And frankly, very few people actually have significant acne scarring. In everyday life, it is not common to see someone with significant acne scarring because most people do not experience the kind of cystic acne that scars.


I agree that as of right now, acne scarring treatments basically involve creating a new, more aesthetically pleasing scar that is less noticeable. There is no way to regenerate non-scarred skin, only improve it's cosmetic appearance. For example, excisions attempt to leave you with a small linear scar. TCA Cross scars up the inside of an ice-pick so it doesn't make a shadow. Subcision bascially creates scar tissue underneath the indentation to push it up.


Posted : 09/18/2015 3:53 am

Regarding the 'money' comment. If they came up with a cure that involved simply clicking their fingers with a special glove and it was all cured, there's no reason why they couldn't charge 5k a click.


- Regarding the 'we don't have the technology' comment. Then that must come down to the fact that not enough money or time or people are working on it, surely?....As said, it's not a hugely common problem. But, with all the things technology can do these days, it's just frustrating.


Granted, they can't grow new limbs, but that's way beyond more complex than acne scarring.


If I can make my scars completely disappear by gently spreading my fingers across them, there's a permanent solution out there waiting to be discovered.

Ang22 liked