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Thinking About Going On Bp


Posted : 09/08/2015 11:58 am

I'm now very frustrated with my acne. I'm tired of waking up every day or every other day with cystic pimples. It takes forever to get rid of one and when I finally manage to or when it becomes smaller, another pops up. Right now I've a pimple on my cheek, which's so embarrassing, another on my jaw area. It's the first day of school, what a way to introduce myself to people. I'm seeing a Dermatologist next month and want to talk to him/her about going on BP. I think my acne is hormonal. It's definitely worse during that time of the month, but I breakout any other time too. Has anyone ever been on bp? Did it help? I just want to have clear skin for once! :(


Posted : 09/09/2015 9:29 am

i was on it in april-may time, and it cleared my skin up immensely! yeah that sounds good and all, but it only meant my skin became dependent on it, and that became a huge problem when my skin started becoming excessively oily, to which if i stopped bp, i had a severe breakout, and i know im not the only one. it took month of a severe breakout and another month to clear up even slightly, and my skin still isnt right so just a warning. it clears up current breakouts but makes future ones far far worse, its not worth it
