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What's Wrong With My Skin?


Posted : 07/24/2015 10:40 pm

Okay so my skin has been going insane and idk what's wrong with it. I'm 14 years old, and I recently got rid of my acne, but I'm stopping minocycline so I know it will come back soon. That's not what I'm asking though. My skin has felt disgusting lately. It's so dry, rough, and looks unhealthy. My skin itches constantly in random spots and sometimes I'll even getting a burning sensation in my skin. I've also been developing tons of white heads. Has anyone had this before? Does anyone know what to do?


Posted : 07/25/2015 12:34 am

You're stilk going to go threw puberty so you'll get acne regardless. My skin was so healthy and soft, then puberty came and it went oily and gross but my acne was never bad. When I was about 16-17 my skin dried out and only last year when I was 18 I went to see a dermatologist and turns out I have adult eczema. My skin is dry, itchy and sometimes flakes. It always gets worse during the winter months or dramatic temperature changes. Plus my acne is worse now then ever! :( Just try a good moisturisers I use Rosken -insensitive skin body lotion. It's found in Woolworths or a chemist. Even slightly clears my skin and leaves it plumpy! (:

Aside from my eczema I has extremely sensitive skin, so I breakout in a rash easily. You're facewash or shampoos could just be irritating your skin. I know mine sometimes do so I'm constantly changing mine.


As for the whiteheads Im having acne problems myself so I can't help you on that lol ((:
